Bringing The Movie Experience To Life: The Home Theater
There is an old saying, “You can have a small tv with an AMAZING sound system and enjoy a movie, but you can’t have a huge tv with no sound system and enjoy the movie.”
The home theater is all about comfort and the experience!
Having a fine tuned sound system is essential to having the perfect experience. Most movies are not utilizing anything beyond 5.1 surround sound still, however, having the home theater wired for 7.2 surround sound is not a bad idea. It cost very little to add that extra wire during new construction. The subwoofer is absolutely essential to create that boom/vibration of great movie scenes, but, the subwoofer is a two edge sword. While it’s great for a movie experience, it’s not so great for those that want quiet. Knowing how to isolate that beast is one of our specialties that surpasses anyone else in the industry. Our unique home theater design, will satisfy all those requirements.
Lighting is important and fun. Lighting helps accentuate. LED lights are amazing for creating the right mood. Strategically placed lighting can provide a rich atmosphere.
We can’t forget about the display. The rage now are Ultra 4k displays. The price of tv’s are so cheap any more, getting an HD tv is fairly accessible. Picking the right one can be a challenge, depending on how you will be using it. Using old gaming systems can become a challenge to find a display with the right connections in the back of the display. Once the right display has been determined, the last components to finish up the home theater is furniture and fixtures.
At WireSmart, we are here to assist through the whole process or anything in between. Give one our home theater designers a call for a free consultation on what home theater will be the best fit for you.